No, soy won’t give you man boobs or tank your T, dudes.
What is soy?
➡️A nutrient-dense plant-based protein source
➡️Member of the legume family
➡️Common soy foods: tofu, edamame, soy milk, soy-based protein powder
What’s the deal with soy & estrogen?
➡️Soy contains phytoestrogen, a plant estrogen.
➡️It’s similar to human estrogen, but with a much weaker effect.
➡️Phytoestrogen can WEAKLY bind to estrogen receptors in the body and cause either estrogen-like or anti-estrogen effects.
Soy protein has been shown to be as effective as whey/animal proteins when it comes to increasing muscle mass (in conjunction with a resistance training program).
An updated and expanded meta-analysis of human clinical studies found neither soy nor isoflavone intake affect male reproductive hormones (PMID: 33383165)
Tofu Takeaway:
Current studies indicate soy (preferably minimally processed forms) foods can be safely consumed and enjoyed by MEN & WOMEN alike.